Everyone has an opinion about California, even people who’ve never been to the state. It’s hardly perfect but its natural beauty is why I love it so much.
I’ve lived in a lot places and I’ve been to almost every state in the US. The only 3 left are Alaska, Idaho, and Wyoming.
Lately, some of the biggest complainers about California are the people who live here. They bitch about the cost of living, the crime, the traffic, and so on – as if these things don’t exist in other parts of the country. I do agree with one thing, it is expensive.
But California has been expensive my whole life and I’m not young. Anywhere worth living in the US is expensive from what I’ve read. Austin, Denver, Nashville are all pricey. They’re not places I’d want to live either but I get their appeal. I love Chicago, DC, New York, and Boston. Those are some of the few places I’d consider moving too, but again, expensive.
If you want to live somewhere worth living it’s going to cost you. So get over it.
What I don’t understand are the people who live here or other fun places and don’t take advantage of what the places have to offer. To them, I say move. There isn’t a good argument for staying if you live most of your life behind the wheel of a car or staring at a television.
I grew up in affordable and you can fucking have it. America is full of bland cookie cutter towns full of familiar chains and restaurants. You can get Starbucks and cable just about anywhere now. If cheap is all you want you have way more options than those of us who want quality experiences.